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 Tlex Commands List and Weapon id list

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Tlex Commands List and Weapon id list  Empty
PostSubject: Tlex Commands List and Weapon id list    Tlex Commands List and Weapon id list  EmptyWed May 30, 2012 11:40 pm

~*~ NOTE ~*~
This list of commands was received from "CS2DServer.com". We, at Crash Zone Gaming, may have different commands then shown below, or at different levels of power. Thank you for your consideration.


Level 'Users' includes VIPs, Members, Admins, and Superadmins.
Level 'VIPs' includes Members, Admins, and Superadmins.
Level 'Members' includes Admins, and Superadmins.
Level 'Admins' includes Superadmins.

Commands Information FAQ:

- How to give someone a rank?

- @whois [player] - Tells: IP, USGN, and Login of a Player.
- @register [username] [usgn id] - Registers a Player to the server.
- @authset [username] [level] - Changes the privilege mask of an account.
- @forceloginall - Forces login all for Players in the server.
- @listusers - Lists the current users on the server.

- How to ban a player? What are bans?

- @ipban [ip] - Bans an IP.
- @usgnban [usgn id] - Bans an USGN ID.
- @nameban [name] - Bans a name.
- @banipusgn [player] [reason] - Bans IP and USGN of a Player.
- @banip [player] [reason] - Bans IP a Player.
- @banname [player] [reason] - Bans name a Player.
- @banusgn [player] [name] - Bans USGN a Player.
- @unban [name/ip/usgn] - Unbans a name, or IP, or USGN.
- @recentplayers - Shows recent players that left the server, in case wanted to unban.

- How to use muting?

- @muteall - Mutes Everyone in the server.
- @unmuteall - Un-mutes Everyone in the server.
- @mute [player] - Mutes a specific Player.
- @unmute [player] - Un-mutes a specific player.

- How to ban a player even if he left the game?

- @recentplayers - Shows recent players that left the server, in case wanted to unban.
- @ipban [ip] - Bans an IP.
- @usgnban [usgn id] - Bans an USGN ID.
- @nameban [name] - Bans a name.

- How to enable or disable a command?

- @enablecommand [command] - To enable a specific command in the server.
- @disablecommand [command] - To disable a specific command in the server.

- How to enable or disable snipers?

- @awp [on/off] - Disables or enables AWP in the next round.
- @scout [on/off] - Disables or enables Scout in the next round.
- @antiawp [on/off] - Enables or disables the 15 awp kill limit.

- How to enable or disable non-members to join the server? How do I control non-clan members easily?

- @"clan"check [on/off] - Auto-kicks none clan members each time they join the server.
- @kicknonclan - Kicks non-clan members from the server.
- @specnonclan - Specs non-clan members.
- @lockspecnonclan - Locks spec non-clan members.

- How to change the server quickly to a specific type?

- @con - Switches the server to "Clan servername Construction" which enables settings of Construction.
- @nuke - Switches the server to "Clan servername Nuke" which enables settings of nuke.
- @clanvsall [t/ct] - Switches the server to "Clanname" Vs All which enables settings of Vs All.
- @war - Switches the server to "Clan servername War" which enables settings of war.
- @1vs1 - [player] [player] Switches the server to "Clan servername 1 vs. 1" which enables settings of 1 vs. 1.
- @office - Switches the server to "Clan servername Office" which enables settings of Office.
- @dust - Switches the server to "Clan servername Dust" which enables settings of Dust.
- @training - Switches the server to "Clan servername Training" which enables settings of Training.
- @eco - Switches the server to "Clan servername Eco Training" which enables settings of Eco Training.
- @public - Switches the server to "Clan servername Dust" which enables settings of Dust.
- @tryout - Switches the server to "Clan servername Tryout" which enables settings of Tryout.
- @fow [on/off] - Turns off and on the fog of war.

- How to fake something or fake my rank or color?

- @fake [command] - Fakes a message/command to all Players.
- @faketo [player] [command] - Fakes a message/command for a Player.
- @setcustomlvl [custom level] - Sets custom level for Players.
- @setcusomlvl2 [player] [custom level] - Sets another custom level for Players.
- @setrgb [9 Digits Color] - Sets color of your @say.
- @setrgb2 [player] [9 Digits Color] - Sets color for someone else of their @say.
- @setcolor [color name] - Sets your rank color to a specific color.
- @setcolor2 [player] [color name] - Sets a player's rank color to a specific color.

TLex Server [b]Commands:


- @enablecommand [command] - To enable a specific command in the server.
- @disablecommand [command] - To disable a specific command in the server.
- @jump [player] - To jump to somewhere else. Using cursor.
- @cloak [on/off] - Makes your commands doesn't show up for people that are not superadmin.
- @register [username] [usgn id] - Registers a Player to the server.
- @forceloginall - Forces login all for Players in the server.
- @forcelogoutall - Forces logout all Players in the server.
- @forcelogout [player] - Forces logout a specific Player.
- @forcerelogin [player] - Forces relogin for a specific Player.
- @ipban [ip] - Bans an IP.
- @usgnban [usgn id] - Bans an USGN ID.
- @nameban [name] - Bans a name.
- @teleportall [x] [y] - Teleports all Players to a specific place in the map.
- @map [map] - Changes the current map.
- @slapall - Takes off 10% HP of all Players in the server.
- @authset [username] [level] - Changes the privilege mask of an account.
- @authremove [username] - Removes an account permanently from the server.
- @tlex [all/commands/shortcuts] - Updates TLex. Commands+Shortcuts will not restart the server.
- @svname [server name] - Changes the server name.
- @svpassword [password] - Changes the current server Password, which makes it private.
- @maxhp [player] [health] -Maxes HP a Player.
- @maxhpall [health] - Maxes HP all Players.
- @nameban [name] [reason] - Bans a name.
- @disableall - Disables all Players, which makes them unable to move, shoot, or maintain guns.
- @stripall - Strips all weapons from all Players.
- @strip [player] - Strips all weapons from a Player.
- @parse [command] - Same as Rcon. Example: rcon mp_pinglimit 0, @parse mp_pinglimit 0.
- @automoney [on/off] - Turns Automoney On or Off.
- @equipeverything [player] - Equips a specific Player all guns.
- @equipeverythingall - Equips all guns for all Players.
- @suddendeath [player] - Suddendeaths a Player.
- @sfx [sound] - Makes a specific sound in the server.
- @blindall - Blinds all players in the server.
- @unblindall - Un blinds all Players in the server.
- @flashall - Flashes all Players.
- @flash [player] - Flashes a specific Player.
- @spawnteleports - Spawns teleports randomly in the map.
- @spawnexplosions - Spawns explosions randomly in the map.
- @spawnmines - Spawns mines randomly in the map.
- @spawnturrets - Spawns Turrets randomly in the map.
- @setcustomlvl [custom level] - Sets custom level for Players.
- @setcusomlvl2 [player] [custom level] - Sets another custom level for Players.
- @selfdestruct [player] - Self destructs a Player in 10 seconds.
- @selfdestructall - Self destructs everyone in the server in 10 seconds.
- @kamikazeall - Adds special moves for all Players.
- @kamikaze [player] - Add special moves for a specific Player.
- @infweap [on/off] - Gives infinite weapons/nades.
- @awp [on/off] - Disables or enables AWP in the next round.
- @scout [on/off] - Disables or enables Scout in the next round.
- @antiawp [on/off] - Enables or disables the 15 awp kill limit.
- @spawnobject [objid] - Spawns an object in a random location in the map.
- @spawnbarbs - Spawns barbs randomly in the map.
- @cageturret [player] - Surrounds a specific Player with Turrets.
- @cagemine [player] - Surrounds a specific Player with Mines.
- @gamemode [standard,deathmatch,tdm,con,zombie] - Changes the gamemode of the server.
- @customkill [player] [wpn name] - Sets a custom kill for a specific Player.
- @setrgb [9 Digits Color] - Sets color of your @say.
- @setrgb2 [player] [9 Digits Color] - Sets color for someone else of their @say.
- @nobuy - Disables buying weapons.
- @zombie - Makes zombies come out of nowhere.
- @snark - Makes snarks go out of nowhere.
- @crab - Makes crabs go out of nowhere.
- @jumpall - Jumps all to the cursors location.
- @specmode [everything/team/nothing] - Changes the Spectators view.
- @blacklist [player] - Blacklists a player from using !broadcast or @say.
- @start - Restarts server in 5 seconds + Music.
- @unblacklist - Undoes @blacklist.
- @unblacklistall - Undoes @blacklist but for all players.
- @kicknonclan - Kicks non-clan members from the server.
- @specnonclan - Specs non-clan members.
- @lockspecnonclan - Locks spec non-clan members.
- @infinite - Makes all players have infinite equipment, and ammo.


- @con - Switches the server to "Clan servername Construction" which enables settings of Construction.
- @nuke - Switches the server to "Clan servername Nuke" which enables settings of nuke.
- @clanvsall [t/ct] - Switches the server to "Clanname" Vs All which enables settings of Vs All.
- @war - Switches the server to "Clan servername War" which enables settings of war.
- @1vs1 - [player] [player] Switches the server to "Clan servername 1 vs. 1" which enables settings of 1 vs. 1.
- @office - Switches the server to "Clan servername Office" which enables settings of Office.
- @dust - Switches the server to "Clan servername Dust" which enables settings of Dust.
- @training - Switches the server to "Clan servername Training" which enables settings of Training.
- @eco - Switches the server to "Clan servername Eco Training" which enables settings of Eco Training.
- @public - Switches the server to "Clan servername Dust" which enables settings of Dust.
- @tryout - Switches the server to "Clan servername Tryout" which enables settings of Tryout.
- @fow [on/off] - Turns off and on the fog of war.
- @specall - Specs all Players that are Playing.
- @equipall [wpnid] - Equips all Players a specific gun.
- @banflash [player] - Disables Flash for a specific Player.
- @unbanflash [player] - Enables Flash for a specific Player.
- @banipusgn [player] [reason] - Bans IP and USGN of a Player.
- @banip [player] [reason] - Bans IP a Player.
- @banname [player] [reason] - Bans name a Player.
- @banusgn [player] [name] - Bans USGN a Player.
- @unban [name/ip/usgn] - Unbans a name, or IP, or USGN.
- @ff [on/off] - Turns off and on the friendly fire.
- @unvote [player] - unvotes a player from being locked in spectators.
- @unvoteall [player] - unvotes all players from being locked in spectators.
- @spawn [player] [X] [Y] - Spawns a Player to a specific place in the map.
- @setarmor [player] [armor] - Sets the amount of armor a player have.
- @echoprefix [prefix] - Changes the Echo prefix of @echo.
- @getpos - Shows where you are located on the map, which are [X] [Y].
- @autobalance - Enables or disable autoteambalance.
- @deathslap [player] - Slaps a Player which cause him to die.
- @bombtimer [c4 timer] - Sets the time for the bomb to blow.
- @restartdelay [time] - Restarts the server after specific time.
- @enable [player] - Enables a Player to move if he was disabled.
- @disable [player] - Disables player, and strips from weapons.
- @maxmoneyall [money] - Gives all Players money.
- @maxmoney [player] [money] - Gives a specific Player money.
- @gettile [player] - Shows where is someone currently located on the map, that is [X] [Y].
- @teletile [player] [x] [y] - Same as @teleport.
- @speedmod [player] [speed] - Speeds up a Player movement.
- @hpall [health] - Gives HP to all Players in server.
- @lockall - Locks all players in their team.
- @cageall - Surrounds all Players with buildings.
- @cage [player] - Surrounds a specific Player with buildings.
- @killbuildings - Removes all buildings from the Server.
- @spawnwalls - Spawns walls randomly in the map.
- @setplayer [player] - Sets "Player" name on a specific Player.
- @shake [player] - Shakes a specific Player.
- @shakeall - Shakes all Players.
- @spam [message] - Spams a message in the server.
- @spamto [player] [message] - Spams a message to a specific Player.
- @timer [round time] - Changes round time.
- @autobot - Enables or disables autobot.
- @addbot - Adds a bot.
- @kickbots - Kicks all the bots in the server.
- @fillbots - Fills the server with bots.
- @blink [player] - Spawns a living Player in random location in map.
- @knife - Strips all weapons, leaving only the knife.
- @speedmodall [speed] - Speeds everyone in the server to a specific speed.
- @god [player] - Makes a Player have some weapons, and powers.
- @godall - Makes all Player have some weapons, and powers.
- @ungodall - Undoes @godall.
- @ungod [player] - Undoes @god.
- @muteall - Mutes Everyone in the server.
- @unmuteall - Un-mutes Everyone in the server.
- @"clan"check [on/off] - Auto-kicks none clan members each time they join the server.


- @maket [player] - Makes a Player in Terrorist Team.
- @makect [player] - Makes a Player in Counter-Terrorist Team.
- @restart - Restarts the round.
- @kick [player] [reason] - Kicks a Player.
- @"clanname" - Shows the link of your clan's Website/Forums.
- @setsayto [player] - Sets sayto on the person you want to private message to.
- @sayto [message] - To talk to someone is private..
- @slap [player] - Lowers 10% hp of a Player.
- @whois [player] - Tells: IP, USGN, and Login of a Player.
- @fake [command] - Fakes a message/command to all Players.
- @faketo [player] [command] - Fakes a message/command for a Player.
- @listusers - Lists the current users on the server.
- @glowall - Glows all players.
- @unglowall - Undoes @glowall.
- @glow [player] - Glows a specific player.
- @unglow [player] - Undoes @glow.
- @whatusgn [usgn id] - Finds who owns a USGN on the server.
- @whatuser [user] - Finds the usgn of the user registered to the server.
- @kill [player] - Kills a player.
- @lockt [player] - Locks a specific Player to the Terriost Team.
- @lockct [player] - Locks a specific Player to the Counter-Strike Team.
- @unlockall - Unlocks all Players.
- @unlock [player] - Unlocks a specific Player.
- @lockspec [player] - Locks a specific Player to the Spectator.
- @switch - Switchs all players from team to another, so they opposite.
- @respawn [player] - Spawns a specific Player in random place in the map.
- @whatis - Shows most of the ids of certain weapons.
- @equip [player] [wpn id] - Equips a player with a specific weapon.
- @poison [player] [hp] - Poisons a Player.
- @mute [player] - Mutes a specific Player.
- @unmute [player] - Un-mutes a specific player.
- @sayc [message] - Shows a message in the center of the screen to all Players.
- @poke [player] - Shows a poke message that a player was poked, and explosion on player.
- @teleport [player] [X] [Y] - Teleports a Player to a specific place in the map.
- @moo - Makes moo sound.
- @tree2 [player] - Spawns a tree on top of the player.
- @hp [player] [health] - Gives HP to a Player with amount that is added.
- @recentplayers - Shows recent players that left the server, in case wanted to unban.
- @killall - Kills all Players in the server.
- @lockname [player] - Locks a Player name, so he can't changes it.
- @unlockname [player] - un-locks a Player name, so he can changes it.
- @unlocknameall [player] - un-locks all Players name, so they can change it.
- @spawnall [x] [y] - Spawns all Players in specific place in the map.
- @slapt - Slaps All Terriosts Team Players.
- @slapct - Slaps All Counter Strike Team Players.
- @poisonall [health] - Poisons all Players. Negative values will heal the player.
- @setname [player] [name] - Sets a name for a specific Player.
- @blind [player] - Blinds a specific Player.
- @setcolor [color name] - Sets your rank color to a specific color.
- @setcolor2 [player] [color name] - Sets a player's rank color to a specific color.
- @explode [player] - Kills the player with an explosion, the splash damage may kill other players as well.
- @scanhacks [player] - Scans a Player from hacks, and it will show hack detect.(it's fake).
- @nohacks [player] - Scans a Player from hacks, and it will show hack not detect.(it's fake).
- @rs - Same as !resetscore, but less waiting for use.
- @quake - Shakes all players in the server.
- @lockteam [1 or 2] - Locks Terriosts or Counter-Terriosts Team.
- @unlockteam [1 or 2] - Un-locks Terriosts or Counter-Terriosts Team.
- @unblind [player] - Un-blinds a specific Player.
- @echo [message] - Echoes in the server with red color.
- @clanchat [message] - Talks in Clan for only clan members in the server.


- @say - Talks in VIP to all Players in the server.
- @makespec [player] - Makes a Player in Spectators.
- @logout - Logs out of your account.
- @report [player] [reason] - Reports a Player to admins.
- @authtype - Shows your rank type.
- @stat - Shows the accuracy of your Player.
- @setpassword [password] - Sets a password for your own account, so !login would work.


- !vote [player] - Votes a Player to be locked in Spectator.
- !resetscore - Resets your score, and deaths to zero.
- !broadcast [message] - Shows an important message to everyone in the server as a broadcast.
- !usgn - Shows your USGN ID number.
- !nextmap - Shows the next map.
- !nobots - Kicks all bots from the server.
- !autologin - Autologins in your account, if you @logout from it.
- !login [name] [password] - Logins into your account if you @setpassword before.
- !relogin - Relogins in your account.


- . [message] - @echo
- ; [message] - @sayto
- , [message] - @say
- ~ [message] - @clanchat

SFX Commands:

- @sfx wtf.ogg - What the fuck sound.
- @sfx puss.wav - What a pussy sound.
- @sfx panchi.ogg - Panchi song sound.
- @sfx shuffle.ogg - Shuffle song sound.
- @sfx lick.ogg - Lick song sound.
- @sfx lazor.ogg - Ima firin' mah laz0r.
- @sfx ilikeballs.ogg - I like Balls sound.
- @sfx hshit.wav - HolyShit sound.
- @sfx dontplay.ogg - Don't play sound.
- @sfx cat1.wav- Meow sound.
- @sfx bitch.wav - Bitch bitch bitchh sound.
- @sfx bhex.ogg - Bhex sound.
- @sfx blue.ogg - Blue song.
- @sfx hearme.ogg - Hearme sound.
- @sfx harder.ogg - Harder sound.
- @sfx sp.ogg - SoyPro song.
- @sfx sex.ogg - I just had Sex song.
- @sfx jihad.ogg - Terrorist scream sound.

Weapons IDs:

2 Glock
3 Deagle
4 P228
5 Elite
6 Five-Seven
10 M3
11 XM1014
20 MP5
21 TMP
22 P90
23 Mac 10
24 UMP45
30 AK-47
31 SG552
32 M4A1
33 Aug
34 Scout
35 AWP
36 G3SG1
37 SG550
38 Galil
39 Famas
40 M249
41 Tactical Shield
45 Laser
46 Flamethrower
47 RPG Launcher
48 Rocket Launcher
49 Grenade Launcher
50 Knife
51 HE
52 Flashbang
53 Smoke Grenade
54 Flare
55 Bomb
56 Defuse Kit
57 Kevlar
58 Kevlar+Helm
59 Night Vision
60 Gas Mask
61 1st Ammo
62 2nd Ammo
64 Medikit
65 Bandage
66 Coins
67 Money
68 Gold
69 Machete
70 Red Flag
71 Blue Flag
72 Gas Grenade
73 Molotov Cocktail
74 Wrench
75 Snowball
76 Air Strike
77 Mine
78 Claw
79 Light Armor
80 Armor
81 Heavy Armor
82 Media Armor
83 Super Armor
84 Stealth Suit
85 Chainsaw
86 Gut Bomb
87 Laser Mine
88 Portal Gun
89 Satchel Charge
90 M134
91 FN F2000

Credits to MostAfa (Sponsering the TLex Project) and Ketamire (Creation of the Transcript Lua Experiment)
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